The New Testament Christian Mission International
The New Testament Christian Mission International was founded by Pastor Moses Rahaman Popoola and his wife Florence Mosunmola in 1982 with headquarters in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, West Africa.
The ministry’s vision is inspired by Mt. 28:19,20 where Jesus Christ commissioned His disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (NIV).
Our Vision
Our vision is to preach and teach Christ everywhere to raise disciples ofChrist who in turn will go and raise others to impact the world with the life of Christ.

The Mission
Our purpose has been set forth in fourfold directives:
- To tell the good news of the grace of God to the world.
- To teach Christ to every man in all wisdom in order to present them perfect in Christ.
- To train and equip strong leaders in every area of the Body of Christ to impact the world.
- To plant Christ centered churches in urban centers and raise disciples to infiltrate their society with the life of Christ, the greatest antidote to the prevailing corruption and perverseness in the world. Some human, financial and material resources raised in these centers are utilized to penetrate the country side as well as cross cultures with the gospel of Christ by planting gospel churches.This we believe is the best strategy under heaven for holistic rescue of lost souls into the kingdom of God.
We have been about this mission for several years and by His grace have steadily grown and established branch churches in cities, towns and villages in Nigeria and foreign countries.